
Did you win any awards in 2021?


Did you win any awards in 2021

Aroma 2021 Awards Ceremony

There are always some people who silently give and move people

There are always some surprises that make people proud and proud

On January 13, 2022, at the central stage of the exhibition hall on the first floor

With the dynamic opening dance of five white clad girls

The 2021 Aroma Awards Ceremony has kicked off

Sales are big, performance is king! Everything is market-oriented

The first award will be the 2021 Fourth Season Sales Champion Award


When encountering strength, one becomes stronger, and when encountering strength, one becomes stronger

The 2021 Sales Champion and Growth Champion make their debut

Mr. Gong, speaking on behalf of the Marketing Center

Analyze the market, summarize advantages and disadvantages, and propose new goals and directions

Learn from the champion

Three little girls sang 'Champion Like' in their purest voices

Drive a more enthusiastic response from the entire audience

Next, we will present the 2021 R&D Awards

Pragmatic work, innovation, continuous progress

It is the most perfect performance of the R&D team

R&D is the core strength of Aroma

Li Gong delivered a speech on behalf of the R&D center, introducing team members and awards

The power of team innovation has unlimited prospects

A combination of men and women, playing and singing "Love to Win"

Dedicated to all skilled soldiers who dare to innovate and fight

There are also comprehensive awards for manufacturing centers, financial centers, and administrative centers

The scene was lively and the applause continued

Winners are pleasantly surprised, ordinary people are lucky

20 annual Lucky Awards

Bring the award ceremony to a climax

Chen Gongzi couldn't help but take the stage and sang two ancient poems

The voice is full, the emotions are sincere, the rhythm is rhythmic, and there is a strong sense of being a general

The General Manager's summary speech

Thank you to all employees of the six centers for helping Aroma achieve its expected goals

All awards truly deserve it

All efforts, all rewards

Awards are material rewards

It is also about communication and learning, and it is about unity and progress

Looking forward to a brand new start next year

After the award ceremony, everyone stood up

The General Manager leads the heads of each department, and all staff swear:

Building a famous brand in the Chinese musical instrument industry

Realizing customers' music dreams

Reflect the value of employees' lives

Show the strength of Chinese brands

It is Aroma's great vision and sacred mission